Mobile-friendly forms are an important factor in conversion optimization. Studies suggest that more than 50 percent of all internet consumption takes place on mobile devices. [Statista, Q1 2021]
Only 14% of desktop forms convert. Desktop forms are rendered by the browser, which translates them into mobile-friendly user interfaces. But if you take a desktop approach to a mobile form, whether it’s a lead generation form, login, or e-commerce checkout, your users are going to be frustrated.
Here are the 5 tips regarding mobile-friendly forms that will help you avoid that miserable experience for your users.
- Number of Fields
Most users abandons lengthy forms, especially if there are too many form fields. According to research, a long-form user registration page has over 10 fields to fill out. Really ask yourself why you would need all these fields in a pre-sales situation.
- Field Order and Field Inclusion
The order in which your present form fields matters a lot. The order in which you ask users to provide information can make them more likely to complete the form, or leave them frustrated and calling your support instead of hitting “Submit” on your form. Always group fields together for information that belongs together. Add dividers between sections.
- Input Fields
Web forms targeted towards mobile devices should not only be coded in a mobile-friendly way, they should be designed to be mobile-friendly, too. This means using the whole viewport of devices and not making it hard for users to get to the information they’re looking for. Tapping small input fields or having drop-down menus at the top that require lots of scrolling to access is frustrating for mobile users.
- Field Labels
I’m sure you’ve seen them – those field labels that appear as a series of dots or dashes below form fields. They immediately tell the user what information is being asked and provide clues as to what types of information should be included.
- Feedback and CTA Buttons
are important elements to have on your mobile site, especially since it’s becoming more and more common to convert mobile visitors into leads.