Abandoned Forms

What is web form abandonment?

Learn Tricks & Tips to avoid Form Abandonment. With avg. abandonment rates >80% it's a serious business threat.

What is web form abandonment?

Webform abandonment happens when a customer starts entering information into a web form and then leaves that page before the form is considered complete. Depending on your number of form fields, if they are mandatory or optional fields, your form completion rate will differ. 

Your form completion and conversion rates also differ depending on the traffic sources. For example if you get traffic from SEO, Paid Media, Email or Social, each channel will have their unique completeness rate.  

It’s not uncommon for site visitors to give up on your form before submitting.  It can be because of privacy concerns, too many fields or unwillingness to share personal information. Your visitors are in a hurry and you just presented them with unnecessary friction.

Form abandonment is a huge problem on most lead generation websites that can waste your valuable and hard earned traffic. 

If you're not measuring form completion rates, conversion rates vs number of fields on your forms, your abandonment rate per channel, then you are missing out on valuable data which could improve your bottom line. 

Low conversion rates is one of the most common issues on B2B and B2C websites with lead generation web forms as the primary business driver. Furthermore, it can be something hard to prevent with increased complexity in website structures and CMS systems. 

Especially in e-commerce where time is money and people expect instant gratification with low prices and fast deliveries.  

Your webform is the crucial business component to success, as it determines whether a half-filled lead form will turn into a real customer. In this article, you will learn what the most common reasons are why customers abandon your web forms.

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> 2 min read